Friday, October 23, 2009


Girlfriend hears noises. Boyfriend buys video camera. They film themselves sleeping. Doors open and close, sheets move, loud bangs are heard, whispering is heard. Couple fights. A doctor comes - and leaves. Boyfriend buys a Ouija board. They continue filming their nights - eventually she gets up, stands around, leaves the room - screams - which awakens boyfriend - he runs after her (camera stays in room) - you hear a man scream, girlfriend comes back into the room with blood on her shirt, sits and rocks for a long time. Cops show up and shoot her. The end.

All in all, not a bad flick - but i was expecting a lot more after all this hype man.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

MY DAY IN PHOTOS (10/21/2009)

***The photos seem to be getting cut off, to see the full image right click (ctrl+click for mac) the image and open in new tab / new window - SORRY! - I will fix the sizing later today.

7:10 AM - Leaving Somerville

7:23 AM - On the CT2 bus heading from Union Sq Somerville to Longwood Medical Area Boston

7:33 AM - Frank Gehry from the bus window

7:55 AM - Made it to school with 5 minutes to spare

Starting my first class "Projects in Wood" - 8:00 AM

10:10 AM - Art school critiques yawn

10:26 AM - Breakfast

12:30 PM - Class presentations

1:15 PM - Hanging in one of the hall ways @MassArt

1:20 PM - Studying on the 12th floor in the library

2:57 PM - Leaving school to go grab some lunch with Chad

3:05 PM - Pissed cause we can't figure out where to eat

3:29 PM - Walking around theater district

3:42 PM - Lunch (Part 1)

3:52 PM - Lunch (Part 2)

5:26PM - Last hour of cramming before midterm (back in the library) The sun is setting

8:25 PM - Waiting for the Green Line to Lechmere after a long day of school

8:30 PM - On the Green Line heading to Lechmere to catch the 87 home

8:59 PM - At Lechmere waiting for the 87 bus... Almost home

9:07PM - On the 87 bus to Union Sq.

9:18 PM - Finally made it home

10:05 PM - Hanging things in my room

12:20 AM - Compiling old designs for a new portfolio website

2:00AM - Watching Paranormal Activity

Thursday, October 15, 2009

One of my best friends.

One of my best friends wrote an album. It's about heart break and the working class. The music is poetic, beautiful and piercing. It's the perfect CD to put on when you're feeling down and want to know you're not the only one.

Trevor Vaughan - "Atta' Boy"

Download the entire 25 song CD featuring mostly originals, and a few covers for free here:

Black & White Photos - Part II

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Ai tools shirt!

I'm going to be printing some of these up, if anyone wants one let me know!


Made this today in about 30 minutes for a friends show they have coming up, it's cute.